Creates an image.
constructor(src: string, previuoslySaved: boolean = false): Img
src param should be a URL, local path or a base64 format, the last one is not really recommended, since the idea of Img class is to avoid adding base64 string, instead you can pass a URL or a local path and this class will convert it into base64 format. The second param is for indicating that you want to use a previously configured image in images method.
// Using an url
new Img('').build();
// Using a key (name) of a previously configured image
new Img('myPicture', true).build();
async build(): Promise<IImg>
Transforms the image into base64. DON'T use end when working with image, instead use build method to generate the image. This is an exception, since loading an image is asynchonous.
new Img('').build();
fit(fit: [number, number]): Img
Fits the image inside a container, you can see it as a witdh and height in the same place.
new Img('').fit([100, 100]).build();
opacity(opacity: number): Img
Adds image opacity (from 0 to 1).
new Img('').opacity(0.5).build();
Image properties (extends from IStyleDefinition).
fit?: [number